China Construction Industry Assessment

 China Construction Industry Assessment

The "China Construction Industry Databook Series - Market Size & Forecast by Value and Volume, Opportunities in Top 10 Cities, and Risk Assessment" report has been added to's offering.To get more news about china industry research, you can visit official website.

The building construction industry in China is expected to record a CAGR of 7.5% to reach CNY 9397.4 billion by 2024. The residential construction industry in value terms increased at a CAGR of 8.6% during 2015-2019. The commercial building construction market in value terms is expected to record a CAGR of 10.7% over the forecast period.

Demographics in China is expected to continue to spur the growth in residential construction. Rising household income levels along with population migration from rural to urban areas is expected to continue to drive demand for residential building construction sector in the country. Increased focus on affordable housing by both public and private sector will drive growth in residential building construction sector.

In the years to come, non-residential infrastructure is also expected to grow considerably. The aging population in China is creating demand for the construction of healthcare facilities and new hospitals.

This report provides data and trend analyses on building construction industry in China, with over 80 KPIs. This is a data-centric report and it provides trend analyses with over 120+ charts and 100+ tables. It details market size & forecast, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over 30 segments in residential, commercial, industrial and institutional construction sectors.

It provides a comprehensive understanding of construction industry sectors in both value and volume (both by activity and units) terms. The report focuses on combining industry dynamics with macro-economic scenario and changing consumer behavior to offer a 360-degree view of the opportunities and risks.

In addition to country level analysis, this report offers a detailed market opportunity assessment across key cities, helping clients assess key regions to target within the city.



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