WoW Classic Cooking Guide

 WoW Classic has a vast variety of professions. Some are classified as primary professions, while others than are secondary professions. Cooking is an example of the latter, and therefore won’t take up one of your two primary profession slots, and features the ability for players to use raw materials scavenged from monsters or earnt via fishing to create food that can heal, as well as give bonuses. You’ll be using cooking throughout your WoW Classic journey, as food is important to continue fighting when you’re stuck in quests and other battles. Due to cooking’s vast practicalities in WoW Classic, ensuring that you’re a high level in it becomes very important. We’ve done the research, as well as tried and tested the best methods, and Mywowgold here to share the optimal strategy to cooking mastery in WoW classic.To get more news about wow gold classic, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

There are two routes you can choose to go down when cooking. You can either cook from the meat you collect from monsters, or you could fish for your food to cook. Lucky for you, we’ll cover both methods in-depth in this guide! Additionally, whether you’re Alliance or Horde massively effects your cooking methods, but we’ll include methods for both!As you progress through the levels of cooking, the trainers you choose to consult become very important, due to the need to unlock new recipes and methods at higher levels. In order to find the trainers that provide you the general level cap increase for cooking, you’ll need to follow these steps: From levels 1-75, the Apprentice levels, you’ll need to ask a guard in any major city where the nearby cooking trainer is. If you’re in Alliance, you’ll need to head to either Stormwind, Ironforge or Darnassus. Whereas if you’re in Horde, you’ll go to either Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff or Undercity.

From levels 75-150, the Journeyman levels, you’ll just head to the same city where you unlocked the Apprentice levels, and you’ll visit the respective trainer. From levels 150-225, the Expert levels, you’ll need to use a cookbook. For Alliance players, you’ll have to head to Shandrina in Mystral Lake, Ashenvale, where you can purchase that book. For Horde players, you’ll instead have to seek and purchase the book from Wulan in Shadowprey Village, Desolace. For the final level cap, levels 225-300, the Artisan levels, you’ll have to complete a specific quest. By heading to Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan, Tanaris, you can acquire the “Clamlette Surprise” quest, where you’ll have to collect 20 Alterac Swiss, 12 Giant Egg and 10 Zesty Clam Meat. Upon completion of the quest, you can now train cooking the artisan way!



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